
Researchers Find Structural Tombs On Mars, Similar To Those On Earth!

This isn’t the first time Mars has shown us strange ruins and structures, but it’s the most frightening yet.

A few years ago, some satellite photographs of Mars revealed some strange rocks or buildings that resembled a humanoid face growing from the earth.

There have been so many ruins and buildings that suggest life thrived on Mars, but the race forced to flee caused a natural disaster.

And that’s not all for this post; something much more bizarre has been discovered!

You may be familiar with Japan’s Kofun tomb, a keyhole-shaped tomb constructed during the Kofun era. And this is how they seem.

And now, using satellite images, you’re going to witness what archaeologists discovered on Mars.

Only the most naive would overlook the parallels between these two buildings on Mars and Earth.

Now comes the crucial question. Were humans the first to live on Mars? Then, after some horrific disaster killed off all humanity, just a few people survived and fled to earth aboard a spaceship?


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